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7 Must-Know Pet Care Industry Trends
pet care industry trends

The pet care industry is booming.


A branch of the general pet industry, the global pet care market was valued at $246 billion in 2023, and is on track to continue growing steadily.


Pet care is evolving, too. As organic, natural pet food options become widely available, more pet owners are choosing this option over traditional, processed pet food. And as technology improves, gadgets like automatic feeders are increasingly popular.


As a pet store owner, it’s important to keep pace with these pet care industry trends. When you understand what new products, services, and business models are succeeding in this industry and why, you can incorporate them into your own business. 


In this blog, we’ll explore seven pet care industry trends you need to know to keep your store relevant and draw in new customers.

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Trend #1: Personalized Pet Care Services

Pet owners want the best for their pets — and over time, they’ve become more willing to spend more money. Grooming and training are common pet care expenses, and there’s increasing demand for personalized grooming and training plans.


Many pet care providers now offer custom grooming packages and one-on-one training sessions, as well as complete wellness plans based on a pet’s breed, age, and health status. Owners can choose what skills they want a pet to learn based on its lifestyle. Some pet stores and clinics also offer consultations for pet nutrition and exercise — even pet yoga.


If you choose to offer grooming and training services or pet wellness consultation at your pet store, hire trained professionals who offer quality care to your customers. Customized care builds brand loyalty and keeps your customers coming back.


Related Read: Understanding the Demand for Pet Services in Your Area: A Guide for Retail Pet Business Owners


Trend #2: Natural and Organic Pet Products

Demand for organic pet food and other natural pet products continues to grow — and consumers have proven they’re willing to pay more for these high-quality products.


It’s easier than ever for pet owners to find organic pet foods and treats, and natural grooming products like shampoos. These products are free of chemicals that damage a pet’s health. Stocking these pet-friendly products helps you cater to more customers and improve your brand image.


To stay competitive in the pet industry, it’s vital to stock these products. How much you sell of these products compared to traditional, non-organic pet products will depend on your customers’ purchasing habits, but providing this option helps you gain more customers and create a reputation of high quality.


Related Read: The ASPCA Received Calls About Pets Being Exposed to More Than 350,000 Toxins in 2023


Trend #3: Pet Tech Gadgets

Tech innovations have led to new products that help pet owners track, monitor, feed, and entertain their pets. Smart pet toys are interactive and keep pets entertained longer.


These are a few examples of high-tech pet toys:


  • Automatic ball launchers: This gadget can play fetch with your pet without you lifting a finger. 
  • Microchip-powered pet door: This special pet door only lets in the pets you want — your pet will wear a special collar containing a microchip that grants it access, while all other pets will be denied access.
  • Laser-pointer collar: This collar shines a laser pointer that keeps a cat entertained for hours.
  • Smart leash: These leashes track a pet’s location, monitor their activity and sleep, and even light up for night visibility.
  • Automatic cat brush: This brush begins rotating when a cat approaches and stops when it leaves.
  • Video monitors: High-tech cameras let pet owners keep an eye on their pet while they’re away.
  • Automated feeders: This gadget accurately measures and dispenses the right amount of food for your pet on a predetermined time schedule.


Offering these high-tech pet gadgets will generate buzz for your pet store, but to successfully sell them, you need to educate customers on how they work and the benefits they offer. You might try displaying an interactive product so pet owners can test it out, or demonstrating products for your customers. By stocking these products, you’ll build a reputation that your store is on the cutting-edge of pet technology.


Related Read: How To Pick the Best Toy for 5 Different Types of Dogs


Trend #4: Subscription Boxes for Pets

Pet subscription boxes allow pet owners to purchase a variety of pet supplies like food, treats, toys, and accessories for one price and to try out a variety of products and brands. These boxes are convenient and fun, and subscriber numbers for these boxes grow each year.


You can create your own subscription boxes and offer them for in-store or online purchase. Ship these boxes to customers or offer them for in-store pick-up. Find quality products that your customers and their pets will enjoy. If you can match or beat the prices of online subscription boxes, you’ll offer your customers even more incentive to buy your subscription box over that of your competitors.


Subscription boxes offer a higher value for the customer than if they were to purchase all of the items individually, and they ensure a steady stream of revenue. They also keep your business top of mind for the customer, increasing brand loyalty.


Trend #5: Sustainable Pet Products

People all over the world are paying more attention to their environmental impact — and pet owners are no exception. Offering eco-friendly pet products will catch the interest of those who want to reduce their carbon footprint and have a positive impact on the planet. These include pet toys and accessories made from recycled materials and biodegradable items.


By seeking out these environmentally friendly products, you can help the environment, help pet owners, and increase sales.


Trend #6: Pet Insurance Plans

Pet insurance, which is similar to human health insurance, allows pet owners to pay a small monthly premium to be fully or partially covered for pet health situations. These may include accidents, illnesses, vaccines, preventative care, diagnostics, or procedures.


The North American Pet Health Insurance Association (NAPHIA) reported that 5.3 million pets in North America were insured in 2022, and 6.25 million pets were insured by the end of 2023 — a 16.7% increase in just one year. With such a quick rise in popularity, providing information and assistance in signing up for pet insurance can build brand trust and help you help customers and pets.


By becoming an expert and assisting your customers in choosing the right insurance for their pets, you can make your store a one-stop-shop for all of a customer’s pet needs.


Trend #7: Pet-Friendly Store Environment

These days, a dull, run-of-the-mill pet store isn’t enough to compete. You need to create a fun, interesting, inviting environment that your customers look forward to visiting and bringing their pets to.


Make your pet store more inviting by utilizing bright colors and adding pet-themed decorations. Put pictures of pets on the walls and create wall displays to showcase unique products. Hosting pet-friendly events in your store will make customers feel even more comfortable bringing their pets with them.


It’s also important to make your store safe for pets. This includes keeping your products and other chew hazards off the ground so pets don’t get into them, and training your staff to comfortably and safely interact with pets. Make sure there’s ample space in between your aisles so multiple customers and their pets can browse at the same time. Taking these measures increases brand loyalty and keeps your customer coming back.


Related Read: Improve Your Customers’ Shopping Experience: Tips To Create an Effective Pet Store Layout


Capitalize on Pet Care Industry Trends With eTailPet

Your customers love their pets — they want the best for them. And with their busy schedules, they want to get everything they need for their pets in one spot, as quickly as possible. Once they find a pet store they can count on, they’ll become a loyal customer.


As the pet industry evolves and technology improves, customers’ expectations for what they need for their pets is expanding. As you continually keep up with pet care industry trends and add new products and services to your store, it will become the one-stop-shop that carries all the latest trends and provides everything a pet needs. You’ll build a loyal customer base that will keep your pet store in business for years to come.


Be aware of the trends mentioned above, and pay attention to new pet care industry trends as they arise. Look for new trends on social media or in new additions to product and service offerings from suppliers. Implement new products and services that you believe have value and fit the personality and brand of your pet store. This helps you to maintain an authentic brand identity that your customers can count on.


Trends come and go, so your pet store needs to be prepared for whatever changes the industry throws at you. To effectively manage the various aspects of your business, you need a solid point of sale (POS) system.


eTailPet is a cloud-based POS system that offers payment processing, inventory management, website development, and more. Specifically designed for pet stores, this all-in-one system will save you time and money and make your life easier as a small business owner. Schedule a demo today!


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