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Marketing should never be an afterthought regardless of the type of business you are running. Smart marketing is effective and provides a good return on your investment. Of course, many pet shop owners still struggle when it comes to grasping and implementing digital marketing correctly. You need to have more than just a basic website if you hope to compete with the bigger stores.

Fortunately, eTailPet has the tools you need, and they are far easier to use than you might imagine. Our software can help with email marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, promotions and discounts, and analytics/reporting. Let’s get a closer look.


The Right Marketing Tools Make All the Difference

eTailPet Marketing is a fast and simple way to increase your store’s sales both online and offline. Whether you are just getting your business listed, marketing through social media, or getting customer reviews to bolster your reputation, our software can help to streamline and simplify this process.

Email Marketing Tools

Do not overlook the importance of email marketing. It’s an effective tool and can provide excellent results. It’s a great way to communicate with existing customers, so you can let them know about sales and deals you are offering.

Let’s look at what you can expect for marketing tools from eTailPet. First, you won’t have to create emails from scratch thanks to our email templates. This speeds up and simplifies the process of getting them out to your customers. Additionally, our software has segmentation features, so you can send the right emails to each of your customer groups. It also offers A/B testing, so you can determine which emails are the most effective. This improves results and reduces wasted efforts.

Users will also appreciate the analytics and reporting feature, so you can see how this aspect of your marketing is going and whether you need to make any changes.


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Social Media Marketing

If you want to thrive, you need to engage in social media marketing. You need to go beyond simply setting up accounts for your business. You need to engage and market while on social media for the best results. Social media is the ideal place to find pet owners who may be interested in your products and services. Of course, it can be difficult to handle all of the various social media channels unless you have the right tools.

With eTailPet, you can easily schedule all of your social media posts across the most popular sites including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Additionally, you will have access to a content library, so it will be easier to put together your posts. Again, we have analytics and reporting tools, so you can see how your social media efforts are faring.

Content Marketing

There is a saying that “content is king”, which has been popular in the online space for well over a decade now. It’s popular because it is true. Content is what helps you get seen on places like Google. It’s what draws in more potential customers and keeps your current customers returning.

To help with this, eTailPet offers a suite of excellent content marketing tools. First, there is the blogging platform. Here, you can create and post articles in your specific niche. If you run a reptile shop, for example, you could create articles on the different species you carry and how to care for them. Other stores could have training tips. The possibilities are endless. This is the sort of content that will help you rise through the search engines and get people to your site and store, so they can buy.

Of course, not everyone is going to have the time or capability to keep a blog up to date. Fortunately, we have content creation assistance that will help. Additionally, we have SEO tools, so you can be sure you are creating content that is fully search-engine optimized.

Promotions and Discounts

Everyone likes to save some money, and that certainly includes your customers. Offering discounts and promotions is a fantastic way to help keep your current customers loyal and shopping. However, they also work nicely to bring in new buyers. Offering these discounts incentivizes people to shop through your store rather than one of your competitors.

To help facilitate this, eTailPet has some fantastic and easy-to-implement promotional tools. You can easily create discounts and coupons, which you could send out on social media, email, or put on your site. We can also help you use automated promotions and limited-time offers. One of the nice things about using limited-time offers is that it creates a sense of urgency in people. They don’t want to miss out on the deal, and they are more likely to buy as soon as they can.

Analytics and Reporting

The decisions you are making with your marketing must be based on data rather than feelings. Data presents you with the facts, so you can see what is and isn’t working. You can make smart, informed decisions about the next steps to take with your marketing.

We have a robust set of analytics and reporting tools for pet businesses including sales reports and marketing channel performance reports. Best of all, we make it easy to find, understand, and use this information thanks to our dashboard overview.


You might already be using different platforms for your current marketing efforts. You will be pleased to know that we offer seamless integration with many of the most popular platforms. Our integrations include popular eCommerce platforms, email marketing services, and social media platforms.

You can still use the platforms you’ve been using, but when our software is integrated, it will provide you with more features, options, and control.


Improve Your Sales with eTailPet Marketing Tools

A lot goes into marketing, and it might seem impossible to compete with larger stores when you have a smaller team and budget. It doesn’t have to be that way. The best option is to choose eTailPet Marketing, so you can easily increase sales online and in-store. We integrate with popular platforms, provide analytics and reporting tools, and we have tools for email marketing, social media marketing, and content marketing.

Take the time to explore the marketing tools from eTailPet. Watch a demo and see how it all works, so you can understand how it will help your business. Start using us today, so your business can truly start to soar.

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